Friday, March 27, 2009


Thank you to all who are bringing food items. Last night's show from start to finish was exactly 3 hours, so our show on Saturday is 2:00 and should finish at 5:00. Please drop off your hot food items in the cafe at 4:30-4:45 so we have time to set up the buffet line to start serving at 5 - 5:15ish. This will give the kids a good hour to relax before they need to be on stage for the evening performance. If anyone needs to bring a food item in early, we will be in the cafe setting up at 3:30.
You can also drop off items prior to the show - just have your child leave them in the band room and we will get them to the cafe.

Our cast party will be getting started a bit later than planned. In an effort to get the kids back down to the cafe as quick as possible, we could use a few more hands helping out with putting everything back (pit instruments, costumes, props, etc.) and cleaning the make-up and dressing rooms. We are hoping to get the cast party started by 11:00 and the kids out of the building by 12 - 12:30.

Mr. Clark thanks you and your children for the outstanding support you have provided in putting on this show.

All of the kids' hard work has certainly paid off......

The show is truly amazing -- WOW!




Thanks again for all of your help.

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