Friday, March 2, 2012

EDUCATION REFORM (Here we go again!) A strong case for our NPSOrganization to provide us with our own NHS Performing Arts Magnet Wing/School/...

1 comment:

Parents said...

Mrs. R says...

I'd love to see some numbers -- something tells me the average GPA of music students is pretty high up there -- how much budget $$
to give us one teacher for all other disciplines (a 2 for 1 bonus for mr. connolly!!) I'm pretty sure a math teacher could provide a creative, independent course of study for your above average student (bring us those 8th grade algebra students too -- I wonder how many 7 & 8th grade music students have already mastered their math skills.

As technology continues to influence our budgets,
how about those History Teacher videos!
(Creative Writing covered also)

(see "The Dude's" video below)

the possibilities are endless.

let's get out of our boxes