Friday, September 4, 2009

"HEY, Soul Sister"

It's been a couple of years since we've heard from them. The Train's DEFINITELY on time with this new song. FINALLY!! A great pop tune for all of us to listen to. Good tunes seem to be in short supply on the airwaves lately. My fingers get quite the workout changing stations all of the time. A lot of hand slappin' fights whilst driving the kids around, trying to agree on a station.

We all yelled "TURN IT UP" when this one came on the other day.

I bet we'll see/hear this song on a future movie soundtrack -- It just works so well.

It's easy going, has a simple melody, and a hook that will certainly catch and reel you in. "I gotta hear that one again"


is that a ukulele I hear??

Jimmy on the Ukulele

Do we have any uke players out there???

WE NEED A UKE PLAYER!! -- Anyone? Anyone?

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